Frequently Asked Question

1) How can I search for a specific book on your website?

  1. A) Our website has a search bar located at the top of the page where you can search for a specific book by title, author, or ISBN.

2) How can I purchase a book on your website?

  1. A) You can purchase a book by adding it to your cart and then proceeding to checkout. We accept only online payment. No COD Service.

3) How do I know if a book is in stock?

  1. A) The availability of a book is displayed on the product page. If a book is out of stock, you can sign up for an email notification when it becomes available again.

4) How will I know if my book is shipped or not?

  1. A) You'll receive tracking details via email once your order is shipped. 


5) How much does shipping cost?

  1. A) Shipping cost for 1 paperback is Rs.50/-, for more than 1 book is 100/-. For hardcovers the shipping cost is Rs. 100/-.

All orders above 999/- can avail free shipping.

6) What is the estimated delivery time?

  1. A) If your books are from ready to ship category they’ll be shipped within a week. If they are pre-orders/procurement they’ll be shipped based on the shipping details provided on the website below each product. KINDLY READ THE SHIPPING DETAILS CAREFULLY.

7) Are there any discounts available for bulk purchases?

  1. A) Yes, we offer discounts for bulk purchases. Please contact us for more information.

8) Do you ship internationally?

  1. A) Yes, we do ship internationally. Additional shipping costs and customs fees may apply.

9) What is your privacy policy?

  1. A) We take our customers' privacy seriously and will not share or sell any personal information collected on our website.

10) How can I contact you if I have any other questions?

  1. A)  You can contact us via email or phone, which can be found on our website's contact page. You can also reach out to us via Instagram.